Hello. These are my first words on this first blog.
I’d like to start off with a few words from the Chinese philosopher, Lao-tzu. You may be familiar with:
‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.’
Love it. So appropriate for the journey ahead. It seems so far, but you have to get started with that first step.
There is also another version of Lao-tzu’s words. (Apparently, it’s a more accurate translation from Lao-tzu’s original Chinese). I think I prefer this one:
‘The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one’s feet’.
It’s not so much about that first step, but rather beginning where you are. You don’t need to start from that perfect place or time – when you think you’ll be ready.
It’s here and now.
I hope you will come along with me on this journey and let’s see where our first step leads to.